About the CGRPM

For the modeler,
by the modeler

Since 1999, the Central Georgia Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet has been focused on providing a space for modelers to meet, display their work, and most importantly, engage with each other. From our roots in Port Wentworth, GA in 1999 until today, we have tried to make that the core of our meet.

We invite you to join us at our next meet and to help us grow by inviting your friends as well. Spread the word and we hope to see you in Macon in 2025!

What Is A RPM?

Many modelers may be unaware or unsure of what a Railroad Prototype Modeler’s Meet is. Some modelers may even think that they are unqualified to attend because they “aren’t good enough modelers”. Others have been turned off of RPMs due to actions or comments of other attendees.

Simply put, the Central Georgia RPM is a place to showcase your work (whatever it may be, in any state of completion), learn from others, and connect with fellow modelers! There are no contests, judging, limitations, restrictions, or requirements. You will not be thrown out for missing a rivet!

The Central Georgia RPM wants to let you know that you are welcome to attend regardless of any doubt you may have – you don’t have to be “the best” modeler, you don’t have to have a model to show, and you don’t even have to bring a completed model! We want you to walk in and feel at home with other modelers. One of the core features of this event is the regular tables with plenty of chairs for modelers to sit and talk around the models. Bob Harpe founded this event on that principle and will will honor that as long as this Meet is held.

So, come as you are, with what you have, and we will see you in Macon in 2025!

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